Friday, March 23, 2007

Rain Rain Rain

I could complain that the rain is keeping me from working, but... how can I? After so many times of wishing for rain the last two to three years it's nice to see it. And besides... I've been taking advantage of my rain-time by planning for my customer's containers and annual/tropical plantings.

Laurie and the kids started their spring breaks today... I hope they get some sun next week to enjoy their time off.

BRACKET WOES..... My picks aren't doing too well in the NCAA Men's Tournament. In one Pick'em... I only have one final four pick left. The good thing is that it is Florida, who I also chose to win it all. In the other Pick'em, same thing. Only one left, and it's Florida. They are literally my only hope. The best I can do in the "Family Pick'em" is 3rd (which is highly unlikely) and the best I can do in the "Friend Pick'em" is 2nd (also highly unlikely). So much for another losing Pick'em contest. Fantasy Baseball is next... I'm sure I'll do as well as I always do with that, too.

I've forgotten a few things about "Why it's nice not to have a dog":
#1) No wet dog smell in your house when it's raining
(Got to love that smell of your dog after you get back from a long walk in the rain)
#2) No juggling acts while on a casual walk in the rain
(Have you ever tried to carefully pick up poop using a plastic bag in one hand and in the other hand trying to hold the largest golfing umbrella ever made and a leash then feeling the sharp excited tug of a beagle that's just caught the scent of a rabbit... all in a down pour??? Let me tell you, it's a lot of fun...)
#3) Silent nights (Nothing like hearing the sad lonely whines, cries and barks of a beagle thinking it's been left all alone in the world at 2 in the morning)

Yes, we're on a learning curve... but we've been thru learning curves before (marriage, job changes, moves, baby, another baby, more job changes...). Isn't life just one learning curve after another anyway?

Adopting an 18-month beagle isn't for everyone (and sometimes I'm wondering what we were thinking), but I wouldn't give her up for anything. We are finding that she doesn't like to be disturbed when she's resting... by Savannah and Andrew, that is. They're usually the ones that try to pet her when she's just layed down on her pillow (her 5-foot long body pillow that she quickly claimed as hers and seems to think is her "queen bed") from a walk or play time. Tonight Savannah walked over to get a Bible from their book basket and Bella must have thought she was reaching for her.... she growled and snipped at her. It scared Savannah, but she didn't get her. New dog rule #3,573... don't bother Bella when she's on her "throne."

I have a feeling blogging will become less frequent as I get busier. I'll probably be making additions by phone or email more. I'll be sure to begin sharing containers/annual beds as I complete them this spring.


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