Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sample Work

Here's part of what I worked on Thursday... petra crotons, variegated ginger, pink futurity canna, alocasia uprights... will be installing a few "fillers" on Friday in the open areas of each bed. I'll show more from this house in the near future. I do several large annual containers, tropical containers (all outside) and also upkeep their landscape. I also do a few other odds-n-ends as requested (usually not gardening related, but... oh well).

Savannah graduated from pre-school today... She was so excited about it. But, Laurie told me the other day that Savannah asked her, "Mommy, why can't I go to pre-school for two years like some of the other kids?" She's going to miss Miss Linda and the other teachers she had. But, she's so excited about Kindergarten... she got registered a few weeks ago. We're still hoping that she'll have the same teacher that Andrew had in K.

Laurie is all done with school... she finished up earlier this week. She's looking forward to being a stay-at-home mom from now thru mid-August. She's taught summer school the last two years, which took up her evenings a couple nights a week for about six weeks. She's got the kid's summers all planned out for them... they both are taking swimming lessons, Savannah has dance classes, Andrew has soccer, we'll have a family pass for the pools, and... I think Andrew has a science class of some type and Savannah has an art class.

Hopefully I'll have my planting done soon so I can begin enjoying the evenings with the kids and Laurie... I'm working late every night right now. But, probably only for another week.

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