Friday, December 12, 2008

"Twoth" Down... Two to Go

There were lots of tears shed tonight in our home… much different than the other night when Savannah lost the first of four teeth possibly to be lost over the next few days.

During supper Savannah suddenly started crying and sobbing with her hand over mouth. From what we could understand between sobs, while eating she hit her most-loose front tooth (yes, both are loose… one was dangling by a string, the other somewhat attached… does that make sense?). Anyway… when Laurie looked, the tooth was barely hanging on. She told Savannah that the tooth had to be pulled, we couldn’t leave it… Savannah sobbed harder. Of course, it didn’t help that this tooth was bleeding quite a bit more than the tooth two nights ago, and seeing the blood just got her more upset. Laurie finally got a good grip on the tooth (and on Savannah) and got it out (it didn’t take much).

Savannah continued crying as she ran into the bathroom to swish with saltwater… she slowly settled down over the next few minutes and explained a little more… She wanted to wait until tomorrow and lose the tooth at school so her teacher could see it. HA!!! I’m sure Mrs. Koch (pronounced “cook”) appreciates us taking care of it at home tonight :-[)

So, being the quick thinking dad, I mentioned that she could take it to school tomorrow and still show it… blah, blah, blah. I then said, “ I hope the tooth fairy doesn’t still come tonight and take it…” as I said this, her eyes immediately showed concern. More quick thinking required… “Well, maybe you’ll just have to give the tooth fairy a call tonight and explain to him why he has to wait until tomorrow night.” Oh great… what’s that line about how one lie leads to another???

She just looked at me after I said “give the tooth fairy a call…” “Really?” she asked. Sure, I’ll make a few phone calls and see if I can find out how to get in touch with him. We’ll figure this out somehow.

Off I go into the basement to fold laundry and go through my cell phone’s address book trying to find someone that would appropriately fit the role of “The Tooth Fairy.” JOSH… my nephew. He’ll play along… so I text Josh:

Me: Are you available for an emergency?

Josh: What do you mean?

Me: We need a tooth fairy to call for Savannah to talk to – she lost her tooth tonight but she wants to take it to school tomorrow and she’s afraid he might still come tonight

Josh: Hahaha. Quite the emergency. I would but I’m in the movie theatre. Not sure people would appreciate me calling my cousin and act fairy-ish here.

Now, first of all… I always understood “FAMILY COMES FIRST.” I obviously need to sit down with Josh and explain this to him. Geesh!!!

Ok, back to the story… I took Tumnus outside for his nightly business and called… who else… my dad. I started explaining the “emergency” to him (he immediately thought she had swallowed the tooth and that’s why I was calling for his help... GROSS!!!) Anyway… I told him what I needed, a tooth fairy to call. Of course, his response was that the tooth fairy is a female. I told him that he obviously has never seen The Santa Clause 1, 2 or 3… because in those movies the tooth fairy is a male and that’s what the kids know. I told him that he had played Santa several times on the phone for grandkids over the years, so why not be the tooth fairy, too (he is a dentist… it just seems right).

So, I went back inside, wrote down his cell phone number and removed it from my address book… why, you ask? Because my kids know that the screen tells who we’re talking to and I knew Savannah would look at the screen. As I sat down I told Savannah I made a couple of phone calls and I think I had the right number to get him. When Andrew figured out what we were talking about his eyes became HUGE… which, kind of surprised me. I guess I figured he knew there wasn’t a tooth fairy by now. Then again… he’s all about Santa still.

So, the phone call was made… and the conversation went well. :-[) YEAH!!! Papa comes through for me!!!

Savannah was VERY impressed that he remembered her from two nights before :-[)

All is well now and the tooth is in the “tooth box” and ready to be taken to school tomorrow for show and tell. Laurie is helping in Savannah’s classroom for their “winter party” tomorrow. I’m interested in hearing Mrs. Koch’s reaction to Savannah speaking with the tooth fairy on the phone tonight… I’m fairly certain that she’ll be sharing about it as she shows off her tooth.

Savannah has two more teeth that will probably be coming out before Christmas… We’re hoping they’re more like the one two nights ago (“Mommy, pull my tooth”) and not tonight’s (“Nooo, Nooo, scream, scream, cry, cry, cry…”).

In the end, I’m sure she thinks it was all worth it… after all, she got to talk to the tooth fairy… how many kids can say THAT?!

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