Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny Siri-ism This Morning

Laurie and I were texting each other this morning (no, this time we weren't in the same room... I used my thumbs, she was using Siri (the iPhone voice-assistant). The conversation went like this:

Laurie: Gas is at 379 in many places this morning

Mark: Prob need to start watching the extra little trips here and there

Laurie: So true I have already been trying to make sure like I do all the trips on the east side outlines for chips on the west side wines and avoid going to both sides of the same time

Mark: So... You go to east side for chips and west side for wines? LOL!!!

Laurie: So funny horse Siri thousand little long message for her

Mark: LOL!!! Give it up hon

Gave me a really good chuckle on this yucky and blah Friday morning :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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