Friday, September 05, 2014

Change In Plans, So Let's Blog

The last few days I've had a deep desire to start blogging again... Ever since I started my job at FedEx Office in December 2012 I've let my blogging go by the wayside, which was a big mistake.

And since my day has been rearranged for me (can't get into explaining that on here)... I thought I'd take the time to get started again.


Sitting on my front porch with my pooch... looking around at my zinnias in full bloom (bright and cheery pinks and oranges)... morning glory already wilting from the heat of the late morning sun... purple coneflowers on their last blooms of the summer... black-eyed susans brightly displaying themselves in the midst of green... banana plant leaves flapping in the breeze waving to passerby's... garlic chive flowers buzzing with hundreds of bees visiting them... garden phlox spent flowers dangling by a thread... lauren's grape poppy seed pods spreading their tiny goodness in the wind for 2015 delight... marooned colored coleus adding a wonderful richness next to pink dragon-wing begonias sharing space in a large copper pot I received from a customer in my gardening days... magnolia flower blooming on my elizabeth magnolia tree (yes... in September!!!)...

I don't miss my gardening business, but their have been a few days lately when I have. Would I consider going back to it again? Absolutely not!!! It was a wonderful experience and one I treasure. But... physically and financially I could not afford it.

Sadly, I realized the other day as I was leaving a restaurant, I am forgetting flower/plant names now... I stared at a plant as I walked to the car and could not remember it, and it really bothered me. But, as it is with anything... when you're not doing something on a regular basis, your mind starts to forget. So it is with gardening for me. It has officially become a hobby again.

New subject...

While I sit here I have to laugh at my eclectic taste in music. I'm currently listening to "Tropical Radio" on Pandora... which is basically very upbeat latino music. LOVE IT!!! I have no idea what they're singing about, but it's helping my mood, which was pretty stinky when I first sat down on my front porch (after coming back home from a short-stay at work). I might next listen to celtic music, 80's music, Frank Sinatra, Jack Johnson, Bob Marley, Indie Coffeehouse music, etc. If you asked me what my favorite style of music is I honestly CANNOT give you one. I love all types... although... I have to say country and rap are very low on my list; VERY low.

New subject...

Running has been going very well for me... I have to say I'm SO glad I got back into it a few years ago. I've been posting some of my best times and distances since my 20's, which was the last time I REALLY ran. And even then, I'm pretty sure I didn't enjoy it. But I honestly am ENJOYING running again. I'm noticing a difference physically and mentally, which is the whole reason I started again.

Although... today I could have REALLY used a run for my mental-state (again, after my short-stay at work this morning), but it's a scheduled no-run day and I'm running 9 miles again tomorrow, so... I'm blogging instead. Better than sitting on my butt with my eyes glued to Netflix.

New subject... (Yes this is how my brain tends to work most days anymore)

Speaking of the above parenthesed (I'm pretty sure that's not a word) statement, Anyone else feel sometimes that they have adult ADD? Seriously... I feel like for the last 2-3 years this has become more and more of a problem for me, but I haven't really put my finger on it until recently. Granted, I probably have always had a problem with focusing, being easily distracted, not able to complete things... But, I would never have really considered I had ADD. But... after reading about it and how in some people it can become an issue more in later life than when younger, I'm thinking hmmmmmmmmmm. I haven't talked to a doctor about it yet, so I do realize I'm self-diagnosing.


And so comes the end of my shared thoughts for today. The dog needs a walk, and I need to get up off my butt. For my sanity, this will become a more regular thing for me again... And no, it won't usually be entries like this. Look back at my older posts. We'll see where this leads me, but hopefully it will help me sort out my thoughts a little more than I've been able to over the past few months.

Oh, and pictures... yes, I'll get back to sharing pictures again on here... flowers, family, portraits, this and that.


Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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