Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bad pictures, bad day, bad weather

Ok... so the camera phone can only do so much... those pictures of Savannah's room are REALLY bad. Only one picture shows the walls as pink. I guess I'll have to use the "real" camera and post them later today.

Laurie's been gone all week to St Louis and we are VERY VERY VERY ready for her to come home. She'll be home Friday afternoon. The week has gone well until yesterday afternoon... TRAIN WRECK!!! Actually, it wasn't that bad, just had a daughter who decided to express her opinion about picking up her room in front of a friend that was over. Needless to say it led to her Barbies being taken away for a week (to which she replied, "Ok" - GRRRR... she wasn't suppose to like that!!) which led further to a quick trip to another room and a spanking. To THAT she did not say, "Ok." I just love seeing the stubborn side of my daughter and hearing her proclaim "NO" to me. Makes me a proud parent.

Anyway... after we took her friend home and picked up Andrew from school she continued with whines, cries and a whoa-is-me (is that how you spell that??) attitude. She desperately needed a nap, so I made her lay down on her bed for 30-minutes... of course she cried the whole time because Andrew was watching "her favorite movie and she couldn't watch it with him" (Pocohontas). After she came down from her nap (yeah, right... a "nap"), she continued to remind me that she missed her favorite part of her favorite movie. THEN I couldn't help but start to see humor in it all and I kept having to look away and smile.

So it got better when we went to the church for Andrew's choir practice, but I think only because she got to have McDonald's for supper. She had two more break-downs... one was they forgot to include ketchup with her happy meal, the other I can't remember. We have SUCH a drama queen. Too bad she doesn't like to be on stage... she could make a lot of money! :)

I rushed her to bed as soon as I could after we got home and after a quick chat with Mommy on the phone... she fell asleep pretty quickly. Thankfully, this morning has been very smooth so far.

Could it be that winter is finally on it's way? It's 41, cloudy and windy right now... it's suppose to start getting colder after Friday with freezing rain and snow showers a possibility Sat - Mon. I was really liking the consistent 50-degree plus weather we were having :)

Andrew SO wants a good snow so we can go sledding. So (gulp!!) I'll hope for ONE big snow for him so we can. Growing up it seemed like we went sledding several times every winter. Wow... that brings back some good memories of Paul Babcock and I... we would literally be out for hours sledding either at Gibson Woods (a local golf course in Monmouth) or on the trails in the woods behind our house.

It's always fun to think back to childhood memories and "relive" events in your mind and heart... a special Christmas, a certain birthday, an unforgetable vacation or trip, a celebration or party, or an ordinary day that for some reason has always been memorable.

Ok... it's time for me to get back to my work at hand... '06 business finances, laundry, dishes and '07 planning for my new business. Yes... my NEW business... but, I'll address that one later.

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