Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Green

If you know me, you know I'm all about GREEN ... But, the green life I live sometimes is not the healthy type.

I struggle with jealousy... Or as Shakespeare accurately termed it, "the green-ey'd monster." Some days I only see what others have, can do, own, look like, act like, drive, talk into, type on, live in, travel to... And my eyes turn from brown to an evil jealous green.

I hate this about me... And it does nothing good for me and my walk with God. But, it's so hard to ignore.

So, once again I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths, and repeat to myself over and over and over...
"Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth."
Colossians 3:2
Father, help me to be thankful for what you've given me, satisfied with what I have, and eyes only for your glory.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Radiate... Along The Way

It's funny to me how God sometimes speaks to us through simple illustrations at times...

I took our dog outside this afternoon and as we were in the backyard I looked down and saw the extension cord running across the grass for our pond heater. What caught my attention was the way that the power cord had melted the snow along it's path.

My immediate thought as I stared at it was, "I want to be like that."
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 28:19 NLT
When I was in college at Lincoln Christian University, I remember a professor, Dr. Marion Henderson, preaching a sermon on this very passage and stressing the correct way it should be read, which is never the way it is translated... He taught it should be read as "Therefore, as you go..." Jesus isn't so much commanding us to go, but if we are followers of him he is assuming we are going... and since we are going, make disciples along the way.

As you go... radiate your heat like the extension cord in our backyard and make an impact. As you go... melt the cold hearts of others with the warm love of Jesus. As you go... show the way for others to follow. As you go... let your love for Christ show for others to see. As you go... reach out and help those in need. As you go...

I want to be like that old, dirty extension cord running across our backyard... with my children, wife, family, friends, customers, co-workers, acquaintances, and anyone else I come in contact with along the way. I have been very guilty of not doing this over the past few months / couple years, and this must change in me.

Father, help me radiate your love for others as I go through each and every day.

Friday, February 25, 2011

An Apple Is A Fruit, But So Is An Orange

16I don't really enjoy talking about politics... It's hard for me to express myself, debate, and discuss ideas. I know what I believe, but have a hard time getting it across to someone else without sounding like a complete idiot. So, I usually stay quiet around groups where political topics come up.

But, over the past few years there has been a concern of mine... And my concern has resurfaced with the recent collapse, and impending collapse, of some Middle East governments.

Here's what I'm getting at... And again, this is my personal opinion... As the Middle East sees more and more protests, revolts, and changes in their political landscapes, I get concerned about the assumption that these countries should adopt "the American way" as the "right way" in their search for and adoption of democracy... After all, it's the only CORRECT democracy, right? All other countries that want to succeed in democracy should have the exact same governmental structures, beliefs, constitutional ideas, freedoms, etc.

However... and this is where we start getting into my personal thoughts... using America to define democracy is like using an apple to define the question, "What is fruit." You can get a basic idea of what a fruit is by looking at and tasting an apple, but an orange is also a fruit, as is a banana, and a pear... They are all good for you. But, they are not an apple. They all grow on different types of trees (or vines in the case of a tomato and watermellon) and under different types of conditions. But, again... they are all fruit and all are good for you.

Let's take it a step further... Democracy, capitalism, and social responsibility cannot be defined by and confined to American standards {I know many people who would honestly believe this and it troubles me... "democracy" and "capitalism" are not an American creations, even though many would like to think so}. Every nation, people group, and generation help to refine these three ideals to best suit their culture and economics. None of these (democracy, capitalism, and social responsibility) can ever be perfected, but are always evolving and revolving based on the political, economic, and social needs, strategies, and vision of each nation, which can change (and probably should change) over time... century to century, generation to generation, decade to decade, year to year, month to month, week to week, and even day to day.

Did you see that last thing I said above... "always evolving" and "can change over time." I get frustrated with those that feel we should still be living under the exact same United States of America as in 1776, 1876, and 1976. We need to always be looking back and bettering ourselves for the future... We should be reading the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution with 21st century eyes. Economic strategies, budgets, responsibilities and taxes must change over time to be current and to meet future needs. Social responsibilities must be realized, updated, confronted, handled properly, and changed as needed. We cannot do things today as did them 35, 135, or 235 years ago.

And, though I think America is a very good example of what can be done with democracy, capitalism, and social responsibility, I highly doubt that it can ever be duplicated in another country again, or should be. And, if I can be quite honest... Here I go, I'm going out on a limb saying something a lot of people aren't going to like... A lot of times I feel like we have exchanged
  • democracy for hypocrisy,
  • social responsibility for social irresponsibility, and
  • capitalism for palatialism (yes, I think I just made up a new work for "extravagant living")
Yes, I just said all of that. Does that make me a bad American? I don't think so, just an honest one that has seen problems developing over the past few years with our "American way." I think we need to do a better job with all three areas... at the national, state, local, and even personal level. And, yes... I even mean myself.

Do I think America is a terrible country? Absolutely not... I LOVE AMERICA. I just think we have a few things to work on ourselves to get back to the great country we should be. I also think America is the BEST country to assist other countries in developing democracy, capitalism and social responsibility. But... they are not America... the "American way" will not work there. And we have to humbly keep that in mind as we assist them. Just like we cannot expect England to govern the same way America does, or Sweden, or Austria, or France. Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, and others in the Middle East will develop a democracy that's befitting for them culturally and socially; we cannot shove the "American ways" of democracy, capitalism, and social responsibility down their throat. America is an apple, Egypt is an orange... and right now a very young orange (actually, just a seed yet to be planted) compared to a 235 year old apple (America).

I'm sure I will be taken to task for some things I've said above... And, that's ok. I'll expect it and will be understanding with other opinions and view points, if they are presented in a respectful way.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Special Education Teachers Are Teachers

[This is a recent "note" my wife Laurie posted on Facebook... After reading it again today, I felt it needed to be placed on my blog, too]

This is the latest conversation between my student teacher (she) and the social studies student teacher (he) she carpools with (there have been several conversations like these)...

He: So do you have to write lesson plans and stuff?

She: Yes, what do you think I have been doing this whole time?

He: Well, I thought since you were in special ed, you were learning how to be an aid.

She: No, I'm going to be a teacher just like you are!

So please help me educate others out there...Special Education teachers teach; we are not aides. We teach just like the rest of the teachers out there. We have to know content. We have to know how to make accommodations and adaptations to content. We have to know how to collaborate. We have to know tons of technology that's available to help the students we work with succeed. We have to go to workshops. We have to earn CPDU's. We have to be certified. We have to assign grades. We just happen to teach kids who have special needs.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pinewood Derby 2011

Andrew had the opportunity to participate in his first Cub Scout Pinewood Derby this year... His troop's derby took place this past Tuesday, February 22nd. Here are a few images from the event...

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

Bent Elementary School Pinewood Derby 2011

What a FUN time for the whole family :-) Andrew had the 6th fastest averaged time for his four races. He won one race and two others was beaten by a nose (literally)... He was smiling from ear to ear throughout the whole derby, keeping a close eye on the screen showing the results of each race, who was up next, and current leading times. He was pretty disappointed to find out it the derby is only for Cub Scouts and he won't be able to participate next year.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Perfect Aiming Quarterback

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Colossians 4:18 "Remember My Chains"

"Here is my greeting in my own handwriting—Paul.
Remember my chains.
May God’s grace be with you."

In the United States we have days set aside throughout the year to encourage us to remember those who have given their lives, sometimes literally, for the sake of our freedom, constitution, and democracy.

The last few weeks I've been glued to news stories about what's happening in several oppressed countries... The hundreds, and even thousands, of men and women who are willing to stand up for change, democracy, and freedom. Some of these men and women will go down in history and be remembered for their courage, strength, and hope for a better tomorrow.

For several years I've felt that the Church has "over-memorialized" people, events, and places. Churches have used...
•idols (yes, I said idols)
•auditoriums (sanctuaries)
...just to name a few... to memorialize. But, I wonder... have these memorials taken the place of remembering?

I honestly feel like we, the Church, have devalued the importance of remembering through memorializing... Paul didn't instruct in the verse above to erect a statue to his greatness, or make his jail cell a tourist attraction, or gold-plate his handcuffs... I think Paul and all the other apostles are groaning in dislike at the large amount of memorializing but lack of remembering.

"Remember my chains" ... Remember what he went through. Remember what he gave up. Remember what he taught. Remember Paul and his chains for the sake of Christ.

"Remember my chains."

Father, thank you for Paul and the millions of other individuals who have given their lives to further your Kingdom. Help us to remember the content of their lives rather than just memorialize them as a person.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ahhhhhh, Saturday Fun At The Park

Laurie is working on BSF, Andrew is playing at a friend's house, so Savannah and I took advantage of another spring-like day and headed for our neighborhood park...

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Busy Family Night

Thursday night was quite the busy evening for our family... we had three events going on at the same time for Andrew and Savannah. But, amazingly... they were all three at the kid's school, Bent Elementary School!

To start the evening, we had Andrew's FIRST band concert...

Andrew playing trumpet

Andrew played "Ode to Joy" on the trumpet with two other classmates

Then we went to Andrew's blue & gold banquet for Boy Scouts...

Boy Scout Pledge

Andrew proudly lead the other scouts in the Boy Scout pledge :-)

Then it was chow time on some fried chicken and potluck dishes...

Blue & Gold Banquet

While we ate, Savannah made "sit-upons" at Girl Scouts...
Creating at Girl Scouts

Creating at Girl Scouts

What a busy but awesome evening of family time!!! Laurie and I were quickly reminded how wonderful our children are and how hard they work in their activities. We are so very proud of Andrew and Savannah and the effort they put into school, band, scouts, piano, church activities, friendships, BSF, and family life. 

We are blessed :-)

Friday Afternoon Fun

Parking ticket: $75

Towing fee: $100

Replace side mirror: $500

Enjoyment of being the one to report the vehicle to the police: PRICELESS

I'd like to thank the Illinois Wesleyan student who made my Friday more enjoyable :-)

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Spring Has Sprung

First signs of spring... Our daffodils are peaking through the ground... Now that's something to be excited about!!!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Old School" Memories

I love the look of our kid's school, Bent Elementary School - it reminds me of the original Garfield Grade School that I attended in my home town of Monmouth, Illinois... Stone, brick, archways, columns, decorative pieces...

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Colossians 1:13

"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his dear Son"

After reading the verse above, or one similar to it, have you ever thought ... "Why do I still feel like I'm wandering around in the dark?"

If you're like me... You have. Admit it!

I ask... If I'm now in the light...
• why do I keep running into things
• why am I still stumbling over objects
• why am I still running into walls
• why do I still feel so alone?

And the answer is simple...

To enjoy the light and benefit from it fully, we have to OPEN OUR EYES.

Father, forgive me for continuing to walk in darkness by not opening my eyes and enjoying all that you have to offer through the light of your Son Jesus Christ.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't Forget The Squirrels

Don't Forget The Squirrels

Picture Time In The Greenhouse

Just one of those days that I needed to drive to the greenhouse and take some pics with my iPhone for some new phone wallpapers... Sooooooo ready to plant outside!!!

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Colossians 2:8

"Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ."
I remember a day early last summer when I was watering behind the greenhouse at Bloomington Country Club... The hose kept getting caught on this and that and at one point I finally pulled the hose with a strong jerk to get it loose. What I didn't realize was that the hose was wrapped around my feet and when I took a step at the exact time I jerked the hose... Well, I very quickly landed on the ground chest first.

I'm not sure which hurts more... landing chest first on the ground after my feet have been swept out from underneath me, or the hard punch to my heart after realizing I have been following empty and nonsensical "human thinking."

The past few months I've learned that during the last couple of years I've allowed a lot of "empty philosophies" and "high-sounding nonsense" enter my thinking. Which, in turn, has effected my actions, my language, my conversations, my relationships, my business, my ministry involvement, my desires, my priorities, my... my everything. Every part of me.

The philosophies and nonsense were wrapped around my heart and when they got jerked... I fell... And it hurt.

I could have stood up, brushed myself off and continued walking with the same philosophies and nonsense wrapped around my heart. But, like when that hose pulled me to the ground so suddenly last summer... I stood back up and removed the hose from me feet and made sure it didn't get tangled with me again.

Obviously, I found it much easier to walk without the hose wrapped around my feet, but I still had pain as a result of my nonsense. The same with my heart... though it still hurts from my nonsensical thinking and philosophies, I'm finding it much easier to walk... with Christ surrounding my heart.

Father... forgive me for allowing my heart to be trapped by ways that didn't please you. My heart is yours God... heal it, mold it, use it for You and your Kingdom however you see fit.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

You Talkin' To Me?

We're studying the book of Isaiah this year in BSF, which not an easy book for me to study. I don't really "get into" prophecy, end times, etc. - I know that maybe doesn't sound "proper" to say, but I just don't. I have always loved to study all of the epistles, but especially Romans, Galatians, Colossians, I&II Peter, I&II Timothy, James, and I&II&III John.

Anyway... this has been a difficult year for me to really get into doing the weekly questions. But, I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing the weekly group teaching. This week, though... my mind was wandering so during the teaching time I re-read Isaiah 40 a couple of times and then Isaiah 41, too. Six different verses really popped out me tonight that I needed to hear... so I'm not feeling too guilty that I didn't listen too well to the teaching :-)

But, as I read these six verses I thought... "WOW, Isaiah... You talkin' to me?"

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers and the flowers fade,
but the word of our God stands forever.

Isaiah 40:18
To whom can you compare God?
What image can you find to resemble him?

Isaiah 40:26
Look up into the heavens.
Who created all the stars?
He brings them out like an army, one after another,
calling each by its name.
Because of his great power and incomparable strength,
not a single one is missing.

Isaiah 40:28
Have you never heard?
Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.

Isaiah 40:31
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 41:10
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Thankful for times like tonight that even though I had a hard time listening to the verbal teaching, God still taught me through reading his Word.

It's back to Colossians tomorrow, though... I've had a week to think through what I was going to blog about last Tuesday, but with the blizzard and the kids home for three days, my days became a little confused and out of routine.

Monday, February 07, 2011

The Icing On The Cake

I have already felt SO unbelievably blessed and loved recently... But today was just the icing on the cake... LITERALLY!!! Here is my birthday cake Laurie surprised me with when she came home from work today...

Two of my FAVORITE things in EDIBLE form... photography & flowers!!!

I am SO blessed!!! Thank you Laurie and thank you Krista!!!

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Feeling Blessed

Sometimes I forget how blessed I was as a child. But, this weekend I was reminded once again how special and influential my parents have been to me in my 45 years of life. They say that the older we get the more we appreciate our parents... That's very true for me. It's amazing to think of all they've done for me through the years... spiritually, financially, emotionally, relationally... I am FEELING BLESSED.

I love these two so very much...
Thank you mother and daddy for EVERYTHING over the past 45 years.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Happy Birthday Mother

What a FUN Friday night we had... We headed back to my hometown of Monmouth, Illinois and celebrated my mom's 75th birthday with a surprise party with my brother, sisters and their families.

We met at Cerar's Barnstormer Restaurant for a very nice meal then headed to a local hotel for relaxing, chatting, laughing and cake eating. And what a cake!!! We asked our very talented and artistic friend Krista Gaff, also known as Sugar Mama and owner of Sugar Mama Custom Cakes, to design a cake based on a quilt my mom made a few years ago. It was AWESOME!!! And very yummy, too. Here is a picture of the "quilt cake" she made...

Quilt cake

What a special night, for a special mom... Happy Birthday Mother!!!

You can follow Sugar Mama on Twitter and Facebook... We also HIGHLY recommend her cupcakes... WOW!!! My personal favorite is snickerdoodle :-)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Special Mom & Daughter

We've had someone on our minds a lot lately... a very special mom named Phyllis. She's been in our prayers at our house for the past couple of months... We lift her up to God for healing, strength, patience, endurance...

And we've been praying for her very adorable daughter, Miss H... What a precious china doll she is. I had the opportunity to do a shoot with Miss H last fall and had SO much fun.

Here's a storyboard I put together today since I had Phyllis on my mind.

Miss H Storyboard, originally uploaded by Capturing Life - Capturing Memories.

Please keep Phyllis and her daughter in your prayers.

Thinking Green

I'm sitting here listening to the howl of the wind and watching the snow build quickly through a nearby window... and thinking GREEN...
Banana leaf wallpaper 1280x800
Yes... I'm thinking of summer... green leaves, colorful flowers, singing birds, flighty butterflies, bug-eyed dragonflies. Ahhhhhhh... I can't wait!!!

But, I guess we need to get through this crazy blizzard first. I was out twice this afternoon shoveling snow... HOW CRAZY IS THAT!? I guess I was trying to get a clearing for the 12-plus more inches of snow we're suppose to get tonight. And, after having a nice 3-mile run this morning I felt a burst of energy that needed to be used.

It'll sure be interesting to see what everything looks like in the morning... We're not sure how much we've already received in snow today, but Laurie and I are guessing 6 or more inches. It's so hard to tell because it's blowing so severely... I've tried to keep an area clear for Tumnus (our silky terrier) to go potty, but... that's not working so well. Earlier I took him out and after making down our porch steps, he became a little confused at the next set of steps down to the sidewalk... they weren't there. So, he just took a dive where he thought the steps were located. When he landed he just stood there and stared back at me, like I was going to go pick him up and rescue him. He finally realized it was all up to him, so he took off to quickly find a place to do his wee wee. Yes, it was cute :-)

Ok... enough fun. I need to get back to work. Yes, work... SO much to do right now, and little to no motivation to get things done. But, I thought I'd better take advantage of this bit of motivation I've had over the past 24-hours. So... ONWARD!!!