Saturday, February 26, 2011

Radiate... Along The Way

It's funny to me how God sometimes speaks to us through simple illustrations at times...

I took our dog outside this afternoon and as we were in the backyard I looked down and saw the extension cord running across the grass for our pond heater. What caught my attention was the way that the power cord had melted the snow along it's path.

My immediate thought as I stared at it was, "I want to be like that."
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 28:19 NLT
When I was in college at Lincoln Christian University, I remember a professor, Dr. Marion Henderson, preaching a sermon on this very passage and stressing the correct way it should be read, which is never the way it is translated... He taught it should be read as "Therefore, as you go..." Jesus isn't so much commanding us to go, but if we are followers of him he is assuming we are going... and since we are going, make disciples along the way.

As you go... radiate your heat like the extension cord in our backyard and make an impact. As you go... melt the cold hearts of others with the warm love of Jesus. As you go... show the way for others to follow. As you go... let your love for Christ show for others to see. As you go... reach out and help those in need. As you go...

I want to be like that old, dirty extension cord running across our backyard... with my children, wife, family, friends, customers, co-workers, acquaintances, and anyone else I come in contact with along the way. I have been very guilty of not doing this over the past few months / couple years, and this must change in me.

Father, help me radiate your love for others as I go through each and every day.

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