Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back In The Day... Visiting The Grandparents

"Back in the day" when I went to my grandparent's house to visit, I...

•went to work with Papa (he was a handy man)
•rode a wagon down the "cellar" hill (always got in trouble for it)
•skipped rocks on the river
•made designs in the sand on their driveway
•watched boats go by on the river
•did paint-by-number paintings
•read old books they kept of my mom's (boring ones)
•took B&W pictures of a neighbor's dog
•hung out at a local cafe where my G-ma worked and I did dishes
•had "boat" (stick) races on the river
•torpedoed "ships" (leaves & sticks) with rocks on the river
•ate vanilla ice cream every night
•helped G-ma can green beans & tomatoes
•watched Papa read his King James Bible in his easy chair
•learned to tell time by watching/listening to the coo coo clock
•stared at a large framed print over the sofa (I wonder what happened to it?)
•played with the old-time sewing machine to see how fast I could get the foot pedal to go
•listened to G-ma sing and Papa whistle old hymns
•played kick ball in their front yard with other kids
•ran to the "general store" up the street with a list of things to buy for G-ma
•got scared in their dark garage

I wonder... What will Andrew and Savannah remember about going to their grandparent's houses 35 years from now?

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