Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yeah Spring!!!

Yes... this made me very very very happy to see the other day :-) And, this is ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!

I'm really looking forward to gardening (i.e. my business) this year... MUCH more than last year. I have a feeling that 2010 is going to be a GREAT year. I begin working some regular hours at BCC (Bloomington Country Club) starting next week in addition to my regular clients. I think working at BCC will be a lot of fun and will be a tremendous learning experience for me... I'm especially looking forward to working with their head gardener. She has several years of experience in gardening and has a lot of knowledge to share about perennials and annuals.

I was especially thrilled to receive a phone call last week from the new homeowners of a house I had been working at since my business started in 2002... I met with the new owner on Monday and they will have LOTS of work for me to do all of this year. I'm really excited because we'll be completely redesigning ALL of the gardens. It can't all be done in one year, but a large chunk of it will be done in 2010. I'll also be doing regular weekly maintenance as I have always done.

I just hope the weather continues like today was... 65 & sunny on March 10... WOW!!! I LOVED IT!!! However, I'm not holding my breath. I know Illinois springs...

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