Saturday, September 15, 2012

Strouthion and Strouthion

Stella is a cockatiel that we adopted last winter… I have to say we've become quite close over the past few months. and this morning was a perfect chance to sit on our front porch with her during my Saturday "porch time." (Her wings are clipped, so no chance of her flying away.)

Morning coffee on the front porch with Stella… She LOVED being outside! And loved my glasses too

When Laurie and I first moved into our house, we had five birds living with us…
• white-eyed conure
•2 cockatiels
•mourning dove (rescued several years earlier by Laurie's brother), and

About this same time I began bird watching… I developed such a love for our feathered friends.

After our son Andrew was born, things in our house got a little crazy… we fostered an African gray for a little while until a friend adopted him, work became busier for Laurie and I, life got busier… our white-eyed conure died suddenly (which affected me more than I would admit at the time), our budgie died, Savannah was born, job change… soon we asked Laurie's brother if he could take our two cockatiels and mourning dove.

That was hard going from a house full of birds to no birds. But, we knew at that time in our lives, it was necessary. However, we still had one "little birdie" in our house… our son Andrew, his nickname at a very early age.

It was about that time that I started using the name "Strouthion" for different things online…
strouthion: a sparrow
Original Word: στρουθίον, ου, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: strouthion
Phonetic Spelling: (stroo-thee'-on)
Short Definition: a small bird, sparrow
Definition: a small bird, sparrow.

We knew there would be a time when birds would come back into our lives. It started with a canary, Buttercup, when Andrew was in first grade.

And now, a few pets later, Stella joined our flock :-)

So for me it was a special time with Stella on our front porch this morning… Strouthion and strouthion.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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