Friday, October 19, 2007

Mister Tumnus

It took a few days, but we finally all agreed on a name for our new silky terrier puppy...

Mister Tumnus

I had no idea it would be as difficult as it was to decide. Well, not decide, but to AGREE. Several names were put out for vote from all of us, but when Mister Tumnus was mentioned... it was an immediate yes by everyone. Although, Savannah disagreed first thing the next morning after we decided... because she preferred the name "Puppy." :') So, we told her that she could keep calling him "Puppy" for as long as she wanted. Of course, that lasted all of a few hours and she was calling him Tumnus like the rest of us.
Now the real question... does everyone know where the name "Mister Tumnus" came from???? I want guesses... Comment below with your guess.

We've all been enjoying his presence in our home. Training is going ok... a few accidents inside now and then, but not too bad (although, Laurie might give a different opinion some days). Nights have been going ok, but yesterday we bought him a new crate for our bedroom to have him sleep up there. We were bringing his daytime crate upstairs and he had been doing well. But, last night was rather difficult for him. With his new crate I bought a bed to put inside of it... and of course 11:30 p.m. was the first he'd layed on it inside the new crate. So, it didn't go too well. We've let him lay on the bed portion around the house all day today so get his "smell" on it. Hopefully tonight will much better... especially since Laurie isn't home tonight.

We find it interesting the many different positions that Tumnus likes to sleep while he's laying around... I don't think I've ever actually seen a dog that sleeps literally on his back, but Tumnus does:

There has been a little problem with nipping at the feet & toes... especially with Savannah. Let me make that more clear... Savannah isn't doing the nipping, Tumnus is. Anyway... he is a puppy and he wants to play, so he goes after what is at his level... feet and the bottom of pantlegs. The more flared or wide your pant legs the more attracted he is to them. He's just playing, but try to explain that to a 5-year old who has just had some very sharp little teeth attach themselves to her toes, heel or pantleg.

Most popular words you'll hear in our house right now?

  1. "No!"
  2. "Down!"
  3. "No!"
  4. "Potty?"
  5. "No!"
  6. "Sit."
  7. "No!"

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