Saturday, December 15, 2007

Extreme Giving

I'm at our church right now (Eastview Christian Church)... Andrew has Tae Kwon Do, and I have the opportunity to watch our church do EXTREME GIVING...

Hundreds upon hundreds of people/families are showing up to receive free coats (approx 1200, toys (approx 1800) and food boxes (approx 1000) collected by our church over the past three Sundays during our Imagine campaign. Food boxes would have been a greater number, but we had a nasty ice storm last Sunday that cut our attendance at church almost in half ... "only" 2000 rather than regular 3700 :)

This started last year with a four-week sermon series presented by our two teaching pastors
  1. Imagine if no child went without a toy for Christmas
  2. Imagine if no person was cold (coats given)
  3. Imagine if no person went hungry
  4. Imagine if no person went without Christ (baptism service... it was awesome)

It was extremely successful... so successful that they decided to repeat the campaign (no sermon series this year). It's an awesome way for Eastview to reach out to the portion of our community that is in need of assistance. It's neat to see our church reaching out in this way.

Through the years Eastview has been seen as "the white collar church for the eastsiders." But that is changing... we're becoming much more focused on reaching and serving our WHOLE community and their needs... physical and spiritual. We love our church :)

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