Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The "Priceless" Necklace

It's funny how a six year girl can make something cheap be the most priceless item in the world.

On Sunday at Walgreen I picked up a $5 book for Savannah that had kitten necklace included - note, this was to make up for NOT buying her a book when I did for Andrew at Kroger earlier in the day. You would have thought the necklace was pure gold as much as she loved it.

She very proudly wore it to school on Monday, making sure all of her best friends saw it. Then, when she was getting undressed for bed she tried to pull off her sweater without taking off the necklace first. Needless to say, it broke.

At the time there seemed to be little to no reaction from Savannah - she put the necklace on the kitchen counter and said she was going on up to bed.

However, after scolding Andrew for not being a good listener (that's another blog entry I choose not to address now) I noticed Andrew getting very teary-eyed. I apologized and asked him if he was ok... "Yes, but, I just feel so bad for Savannah. She's so upset about her necklace. It's her favorite necklace she's ever had and she doesn't think it can ever be fixed. She's in her bed crying and crying." I smiled and said, "You mean I've been getting upset at you the last few minutes for not listening and it's because you were thinking about Savannah?" He started to cry again... "Yes, I just feel so bad for her."

I held him tight... He's always thinking of others... So sensitive to other's feelings and needs. So much sometimes that it gets him into trouble.

I went up to see Savannah and I could hear her sobbing... "That was my most favorite necklace I've ever had." I promised her that no matter what, I would get the necklace fixed... Even if I have to take it into a jeweler.

I got her settled down to a wimper-every-30-seconds... Then Laurie came home. Of course, the sobbing started all over again.

After they came home from school today she immediately noticed the necklace sitting on the counter... still broken. I told her I would take it to be fixed tomorrow. But, while the chocolate chip cookies baked (cut and bake people, I'm not Mr. Crocker) I decided to give the necklace a shot... And, amazingly I did it. I got the two broken links together and pinched them closed (these were tiny tiny links). Thank God for my new reading glasses and needle nose pliers.

When I brought it into Savannah she was beaming :-) Her priceless necklace was fixed and her daddy was a hero.

Being a daddy is AWESOME :-)

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