Sunday, September 07, 2014

Hold The Training Please

It's not exactly what I had planned for my Sunday... sitting on the front porch with ice on my leg. Hobbling around cringing in pain with each step I take with my left foot.

Three weeks until my first half marathon, and now... questionable.

Brings back memories of what WAS to be my first half marathon two years ago... I had completed an 11-mile run on a Saturday (three-weeks before the event). On Sunday morning I could hardly walk due to hip flexor problems; severe pain from hip to hip, through my pelvis, and down into my thighs. I ended up out of running for about eight weeks.

This time... On Wednesday of this week, after a REALLY good 5k run, I noticed a slight twinge of pain on my lower left leg on the inside. I didn't think anything about it and it was gone not too long afterwards. I couldn't remember if I felt anything on Monday after a 5-mile run, but I'm thinking I did. On Thursday I ran another 5-miles and again felt a little twinge of pain during and after, but nothing to keep me from running and it was gone soon after my run. So again, I didn't think anything much about it. Saturday: 9-mile run planned. I started off and immediately felt the pain, but it was bearable. But, the further I ran the more sharp and intense the pain became... At 3.5-miles I decided I had to walk. I tried a couple more times to run but the pain was too much.

So the long walk home began... After 1.5-miles of walking I texted my wife to let her know where I was... she texted back "Do u need me to come get u." UGH!!! I wanted to say "NO - I HAVE TO WALK." But, sucking in my pride I responded with "Yeah I think I do."

I'm not sure which hurt worse at that moment... my leg or my heart.

I stood waiting for my wife to pick me up... other runners passing me by; unable to acknowledge them as I usually would because of my jealousy.

I'm assuming (self-diagnosis time) I have a severe case of shin splints... I can't ever remember having shin splints when I ran cross country or track, but I do remember others and the pain they would experience. However the location of the pain is low on my left leg and on the inside, right above my ankle... not really what I would consider my "shin."

So, until I can get in to see my doctor tomorrow I'm staying on my butt as much as possible, icing every once in awhile and taking ibuprofen every four hours.

One thing I have learned today: it's difficult to get from the kitchen to the front porch with a full cup of coffee (ok, probably shouldn't fill it to the rim) with a hobble without spilling. (Yes, Laurie, I cleaned it up)

And I leave you with the following:


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