Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me

Yes... it's the 12th anniversary of my 29th birthday. :) You figure it out... It's older than I want to be and older than I feel. That's a good thing, right?

Just a simple celebration at home with the family.

I just figured it out this year with all the hoopla of the super bowl... I was born the same year as the first super bowl. Now I'll never forget my birthday!! I just have to look at the roman numerals for the super bowl a week before :)

We ended up gettin about 4 inches of snow yesterday. Andrew and I went and bought sleds a couple of nights ago, so I figured since we were buying them it probably wouldn't snow. But, it's still so cold to go sledding. It's suppose to "warm up" tomorrow to about 20, but Laurie and the kids are taking off to Laurie's parents to stay the night. So, I might have the kids take the sleds with them to Indiana. But... I kind of wanted to take them the first time with their new sleds :( We'll see...

Savannah stayed home today from school... pink eye. Poor thing... but, she's been in a pretty good mood today. And (this is a strange one) she loves getting the eye drops!! HA!!! She says it tickles when it lands on her eye ball.

Before I go I've GOT to share a couple of pictures I made up today... it all started when our worship leader at church made a comment about watching the A-Team last night rather than have choir (actually, choir was cancelled due to the weather)... so then someone in the choir shared a picture of the A-Team but with our worship leader's face photoshopped in place of one of the character's faces. I couldn't leave it at that... so... I had to find a more "appropriate" group that he would fit in with rather than the illustrious A-Team...

I liked Charlie's Angels a lot more than the A-Team! But, I'll never remember them the same way now.

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