Sunday, May 13, 2007

30-Hours In A Day Needed

I sent Laurie voicemail this week asking her to PLEASE start praying to God for 30-hour days... I REALLY needed it this past week. I was (and still am a little) SO stressed out about getting everything done for work.

This past Tuesday all of my tropical plants (I still don't know exactly how many, but A LOT!) came into the garden center that I'm working out of, and I became overwhelmed, to say the least. I ordered more than last year and had to do more myself in getting them organized, delivered, unwrapped, verified and ready to go for planting. I was delivering until about 1 a.m. Tuesday night and then still brought home a 17' U-Haul truck load home with me to be delivered Wednesday-Saturday. Actually, I still have several plants sitting out along the sidewalk on the northside of our house to be delivered Monday-Wednesday. I haven't lost any yet, so that's what's important. By this coming Saturday (May 19) all plants should be at their location and either planted or ready to be planted by the first of the next week.

I didn't get as much for myself this year... except two coconut trees and (of course) some bananas). Oh wait... that doesn't include the annuals and perennials that we planted last weekend... designer salmon geraniums across the front of the yard in groups of three, low-grow phlox (for Laurie... she's been asking for some tucked in here and there in the front for about five years), lavender in front, snow-in-summer by the pond and a few other little things.

I'm doing my first post from my new laptop computer... After getting done with work last night I stopped by Circuit City and got a HP laptop... LOVE IT!! I've spent the afternoon today loading software (Office 2003) and downloading the updates. We won't switch to Office 2007 until it becomes available thru ISU this next school year. I'm trying to avoid having to buy any software... most can be used on up to three computers. We'll see how it all works out. I'm hoping to at least have all of my "My Documents" transferred over tonight and all of my accounting items transferred over. I want to be able to start using my laptop for email and all business related items ASAP. I just hope and pray I don't have any problems transferring over all of my information.

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