Saturday, January 12, 2008

Random Thoughts & Updates

Andrew's test seemed to go well today... we have a meeting tomorrow at Victory Academy (where Andrew takes his taikwondo thru and Savannah takes her dance)... the meeting is for all taekwondo participants/family members to give some updates on various things. But also, new belts will be rewarded. So... we'll find out tomorrow if he passed. He also will be required to break a board tomorrow... I can't remember what the "chop" is called, but he's been practicing it for the past week. He will have to do it in front of all of the other members. He's excited about it, but... I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous for him.

Today was get organized day around the house... a lot of picking up, cleaning out, throwing away, putting away. Snowmen are now out and around the house for decoration... remainder of the Christmas decorations got put away (a little later than usual). However... I am VERY proud to announce that I have NO Christmas decorations left outside!! Considering it's January 12th... THIS IS A FIRST!! Usually, Laurie is kicking my butt to get it done in late February or beginning of March. :)

I did discover one thing today... After almost 10-years of marriage I learned how to please my wife: clean out my drawers and closet and throw away all of my clothes I haven't worn for the last year and take them to a clothes recylcing bin. Laurie was VERY happy with me today!! I couldn't believe the amount of room I gained in my drawers and closet!!

The bathroom... hmmmmm... yeah. Ok, so it's still not done. I can't believe that my original goal was to have it done by Friday, December 21st (Laurie's birthday). HA!! Now THAT cracks me up!! I'm in the process of painting the built-in cabinet doors. I'm doing the painting in the workship at our church, which requires me to spend more time there staring at drying paint than I wish to... so, needless to say, I haven't given the time I should have. Monday... Monday the cabinet doors will be done.

But, the shower curtain rod is causing a little delay, too... it's hard to explain, but we don't have your "normal" straight shower curtain rod. it's a round one that attaches to the ceiling on one end of the shower and the wall on the other end. Anyway... it was white, but our fixtures are now all brushed nickel with NO white trim on anything in the bathroom. So, Laurie REALLY wanted it to be brushed nickel to match the other fixtures. However, we can't buy one. So, I found a spray paint that gives a brushed nickel look. It's not too bad, but... a little too dull. And, we think the curtain rings might start to scratch the painted finish. I looked for something to put over the rod (Laurie thought they made a clear cover to slide over curtain rods) but, couldn't find anything. So, I'm going to spray paint a clear hardener over it. So... now I have to take it back to the church to do that, too. Luckily, we have a shower in the basement Laurie and I have been using. But, on really cold days, we're REALLY missing the warm bathroom. But, at least we can use the bathroom again everything else... new light, mirror, storage cabinets (besides the built-in cabinets), the new faucet works, a REAL outlet in the wall, a light switch that DOES something, and a nice new ceiling that doesn't drop insulation and dust out of a 12"x12" hole (the kids especially like that one... Savannah was afraid of the hole and didn't like to be in there by herself because of it).

New obsessions... Facebook (I swore I'd never belong to facebook, but I finally gave in...) and blog surfing in blogger. I love hitting random blogs and reading them. Sounds stupid, but... :) what can I say... that's me.

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