Saturday, May 17, 2008

Drinking Coffee in Church

Here's a funny entry at the blog Stuff Christians Like called Drinking Coffee in Church.

Most Sundays you will see me walking into our worship service with my Bible in one hand and my Starbucks travel mug in the other... I'm sure many in the older generation are shaking their heads at us in the "younger generation" (yes, I'm considering 42 as young) ... "rock music", jeans, t-shirts with an open and untucked shirt over it, unshaven (the men, that is), flip flops and crocs (even in winter with wool socks... yeah, I'm a geek), messy hair, hats (in church??? OH NO!!), more "rock music" and now COFFEE DRINKING IN WORSHIP!!

I don't know about any of you, but I personally think drinking coffee in worship helps the Spirit flow more. Oh wait, no... I just have to go to the bathroom more in the middle of worship now.

I'm really praying that the next building phase at our church will include cup holders at each seat in the auditorium. There is nothing more frustrating than a "late arriver" crawling past me to get to an open seat and kicking over my coffee.... How rude!! They must be new to the church if they don't know you're suppose to look down at the floor as you walk thru a row of seats during worship :)

I'm also hoping that the next building phase will include "refill stations" at the back of the auditorium. My coffee never seems to stay hot enough through the whole service and I'm always sitting there thinking "I really could use a new cup of coffee." The ushers could act as the attendants at each "refill station" and possibly even walk up and down the aisles carrying a carafe of sumatra and another of verona ... besides, what are they doing the rest of the service aside from serving communion and taking up the offering?

I'm just wondering... do you think God will be serving coffee in heaven? I do... :)

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