Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Learning Black & White with Savannah

I've been spending time almost every night the last few weeks learning how to better work with digital pictures (if you haven't noticed lately on my blog and on facebook). I've always enjoyed "messing" with pictures, but over the past few months I've been taking it a lot more seriously and going deeper into digital imaging. There is SO much more that I can do (meaning "yes, I can do it". I already had seen things that COULD be done)!!

I've always used Photoshop Elements for my images, but have never known the depth of what could be do with it. I always assumed I needed Photoshop (the complete and expensive software) for what I really wanted to do. But, I've discovered that's far from the truth and especially with the newest version of PE, 6.0. I also purchased a book that was well worth the cost: "The Photoshop Elements 6 Book for Digital Photographers" by Scott Kelby & Matt Kloskowski. This is an excellent book with very helpful walk/talk-thru's and realistic examples.

One photography style I've always enjoyed is black and white. But, I've never been able to produce good black and white images. until now (I think???? Opinions please?).

Savannah loves to be my model when I'm trying different pictures. and of course, Andrew HATES to be a model for me. Which is why you'll usually see more pictures of Savannah. But, every once in awhile I catch him as a willing model.

Anyway. enough for now. I have to be in court tomorrow morning at 9 (for a small fender bender a month ago) and I want to look "well slept." I'm not sure what mother nature will offer tomorrow for work conditions. sounds like rain. Which means I help us get caught up on laundry and work on business books. Oh boy, Oh boy!!

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