Monday, September 01, 2008

Parade Notes

Another addition to "You know you're getting old when..." list:
•people your age are driving the little shriners cars.

You know there is a lot of candy at a parade when one of your kids says "this is too much candy."

Just what the heck is the "Civil Air Patrol" and why do they all look 15?

Laffy Taffy is by far the candy of choice for parades.

Quote from a parade goer:
"I didn't read the forecast very well, it's raining Laffy Taffy."
"Halloween is cancelled this year, we've got enough candy."

We have a lot of unions in B/N - cool to see how many walk with each local, too.

I can't believe how casual bands dress for parades - looks tacky to see them in just polo or t-shirts with quite the variety of unmatching shorts.

When you hand your kids the camera to take pictures at a parade, they take pictures of everything - and I mean EVERYTHING!!!. Posting of parade pictures coming soon :-)
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