Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lesson Learned

Yes, the picture attached to this blog entry is a little odd, but not NEAR as odd as the predicament I got myself into this evening while working.

I was beginning part two in the process of, what I like to call, "renovating a perennial bed" ... i.e. PART 1: Roundup (completed 10 days ago); PART 2: Removal of everything, tilling, raking, amending (with peat and compost), raking, tilling, raking; PART 3: Planting; Part 4: Mulching.

I had just completed the first round of tilling and was backing the tiller out of the bed (a large tiller... Larger than I usually use ). What I didn't realize was I was backing the tiller towards my truck. Now, what I don't understand is... Why does a tiller go 10 x's faster in reverse than forward? Granted, I could turn down the throttle, but... That would be too easy.

Ok, so I'm backing up the tiller... By the time I realize I'm going to hit the truck, it's too late. But, then I immediately realize not only am I going to hit my truck... I AM BETWEEN THE TILLER AND THE TRUCK.

Now, this leads to another question... Why, when we're in the midst of an emergency involving mechanical devices, we forget how to operate them? i.e. How to turn them off, the "emergency stop," or maybe the simplest of them all... GET OUT OF THE WAY FAST!!!

Well, I did none of the above. And the result? Me pinned against my truck at the ankles... A metal "safety plate" (HA! So much for it being "safe" ... It should have been made of rubber!) was pressing against my ankles, which were now backed up against my truck tire. And not just pressing... There isn't a word for it. Oh, yes there is... PAIN!!!

Funny (not really then, but it is now) how excruciating pain will bring you back to reality... I let go of the handle, which stopped the motor. But, even though I was able to put the tiller into neutral, it wouldn't move... It had moved upwards in the back causing the front to lodge into the ground.

For the first time in my life (and there have been a few instances I could have done this before) I honestly thought I was going to scream for "HELP!" But, I didn't - I was able to slip my left ankle free, which gave me some confidence I could somehow free my right ankle.

But instead... I began having my usual reaction to pain - I started to get light headed. Oh great - I'm going to pass out pinned between the tiller and my truck tire... I'm working in a large acred country subdivision, no neighbors out, Laurie has no idea where I'm working, my cell phone is in my truck, home owners are in Mexico. Oh, and it's dusk... NOT GOOD!

I guess this is when my "inner strength" came to life... I was able to lift up the tiller (yes, the metal plate pushed even tighter into my ankle) and pull myself out. But, that's when I REALLY thought I was going to pass out! Luckily there was a stone wall nearby that I was able to lean against and put my head down.

Soooooo... Lesson learned... Hmmmmmmm... I entitled the entry before I really thought thru WHAT my lesson learned actually WAS.

Do share... What was my lesson learned? I know... I'm opening myself up for some interesting comments... But, I'm ready. Believe it or not this isn't the stupidest thing I've ever done.

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