Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Rainy Start

It's a rainy start to my day, which I don't mind too much, considering I have the start of a "summer cold" - lots of sinus junk going on. Looks like it should be clearing in about an hour or so, so I'm sure I'll still be working today.

Things are pretty much back to "normal" in our house after all the travels for Laurie and the kids. One week of normality then it's off to northern Wisconsin for a few days of relaxation.

I'm burning a CD of a photo shoot I did a couple weeks ago... It was an instructional shoot with a local photographer who is giving some of her time to share her knowledge with me... I LOVE IT!!! I'm trying to soak in as much information that I can... This 43 year old brain doesn't pull it in as fast as it use to :-)

The photos from the shoot turned out beautiful... I'm hoping to share a sampling of them on my blog in the next couple of days (have to get the ok first).

Work is... work right now. It saddens me that my "hobby" business has, after seven years, turned into "work." Gardening, plants, flowers, etc. is still a passion of mine, but... The "job" part of it has definitely become work. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, but... Over the last couple of years my view of my business has changed a lot... It's now much less a "hobby I make a living from" and much more of... Well, more of just a "job."

Speaking of work... I need to get ready and head out the door. Time is money, and since I'm gone all next week I need to get a lot done this week.

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