Sunday, January 22, 2012

Eastview's New Addition In The News

[Story copied from]

NORMAL, Ill -- A mega-church recently got even bigger. We took a look at how the extra space is being used to enhance the church's ministry. Walking in, it's obvious. After a recent $3 million addition, Eastview Christian Church is definitely not your grandfather's church.

"We want to appeal to anyone, regardless of religious background, and make our church warm and friendly. Everyone wants to go to places where there's a water feature, or a fireplace, or there's food, or there's a bookstore, or there's people milling around handing out together, and that's what we've tried to create here with our church," said Mark Warren, Executive Pastor at Eastview Christian Church.

The services are very visual, very complex, and for some, very intense. Parishoners agree that the church only looks big.

"It definitely feels like a family, definitely. Because when I come into this church I may not necessarily look at the size of the church per se, but the fact that there are real people in this church, and that we're here together to worship the Lord," said Kristy O'Connell.

Long time parishoner Dean Johnson says the size of the facility enhances the worship. "The good thing about being able to hang out here and have a good time after church is it creates the perfect environment to talk about the things that happened during the church service," said Johnson, who has been worshiping for 19 years at Eastview.

The focal point of the new atrium is Cafe 19, named for the 19 original founders of the church. The draw of the table was used to bring new people into the fold.

"I think you're likely to go where you're comfortable and where you fit in. And food, everyone loves food, so everyone fits in with food. So it's whatever is comfortable with each person or each group," said Mysty Thomas, Director of Food Services.

The café is designed to draw people closer to the church, just like the kitchen is the spiritual center of the home.

{Awesome job by NBC WEEK News 25 & ABC WHOI News 19 for this coverage of Eastview's expansion... I was thrilled to see for Cafe 19's grand opening weekend on January, 15th the attendance was over 5400!!! WE LOVE OUR CHURCH AND THE WORK IT'S DOING IN MCLEAN COUNTY!!!}

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