Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dejected Tumnus

How can you not love this lil guy... so cute, so adorable, so innocent looking. But... he has officially been banned from sitting and laying on the couch and chair in the family room. Not because the couch and chair are beginning to get a "doggy smell" or because he has been scratching on the fabric. But, because he uses them as easy access to the end tables where he finds the "good things" to chew on... coasters, receipts, iPod ear buds, pens, books, Leapsters (or at least the "pen" attached to it), wrappers left from snacks (his favorite has been ice cream sandwiches). And, of course, it's always nice to see him take a taste from a cup left by Laurie or I (especially one that we've just set down).

The thing is... he's not REALLY a "chewer." Granted... he does chew on things (he's a dog!). But, nothing like other dogs we come into contact with that get into EVERYTHING they see. But, if we leave it on the floor, in his eyes, it's fair game (all of us have been guilty of leaving something on the floor that we really didn't want chewed up).

We'll see how this goes... he's enjoyed cuddling with Laurie on the couch in the evenings after the kids go to bed, so he's been feeling a little dejected the last few nights having to only lay on the floor at our feet.

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