Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hoping vs Wishing

We put our hope in the Lord.
He is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.
Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord,
for our hope is in you alone. 
~Psalm 33:20-22
The word hope is an easy word to throw around with a very empty meaning in it... 
  • "I hope the weather gets better"
  • "I hope you feel better tomorrow"
  • "I hope I passed that test"
  • "I hope you get through your problems"
  • "I hope I get want I want for Christmas"
  • "I hope I can go on that vacation"
  • "I hope I get that job"
Yes... that last one is the one I'm frequently stating now. 

After reading the above verses tonight, I wondered to myself... when I make a statement of hope, what is my hope centered on? What is my hope weighted with? What is the strength to my hope? Obviously I "hope" it's a "hope in God." If it's not... What gives a basis for hoping then? 

I don't want to get all theological or anything, but... "hope" is so empty and useless without God. It just seems so shallow. Without hope through God, what really is the use in hoping. Then you're just... well... you're just wishing.

I'll be honest... I don't want to wish for that job... I make wish lists at Christmas for my kids, so they can buy me something that I really don't need. I want to HOPE for that job. And not JUST hope... Hope to God I get that job.

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