Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What Am I Worth?

One of the most discouraging things about searching for a job for me after owning my own business, is stating what I think I'm "worth" in salary, only to find out the position pays less (sometimes much less) than the absolute minimum I can receive.

I have to keep telling myself that it's not MY worth they're stating, but the position. Although, sometimes it's easy to take the salary offer as … "Sorry, but you're only really worth $XX,XXX to us."

I know what I was making in banking… but that was ten years ago… I know what I was making in management at Borders… but that was ten years ago. I know I've owned my own business for the past ten years and I'm out of the "loop" a little… but… but… but…

Oh, pride… please don't get in the way.

Keeping my chin up… and my hopes up… and my eyes up.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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