Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor-less Day Weekend & My Life Roles

I can't remember when we've had a Labor Day weekend THIS beautiful. What a way to say farewell to summer than a weekend like this .

On Saturday we had both sets of grandparents over to celebrate Andrew & Savannah's birthdays (a little belated, but worked out much better than trying to plan it around the 19 &20 with school starting and all). We met at a park. here in Bloomington and did the picnic thing - Laurie makes an awesome chicken salad that I've been hungry for :) The kids played in the spray park that we sat nearby and we all just talked and relaxed. Soooo nice.

Today (Sunday) and tomorrow we have no plans except relax, relax and relax. Oh, and relax some more.

Although, I feel somewhat guilty about relaxing too much today and tomorrow - with business being so slow right now, I feel like I'm relaxing too much of the time.

Ah, my business - lately it's been ALL I think (worry) about, which in turn leads to worrying about money - which is never a good thing to worry about. Also, I've been thinking a lot the last few days about some adjustments I'm having to make in my involvement at church. I'll be in somewhat of a different role now than I've been in the last few years. This isn't a bad thing - but just a change, an adjustment, which I always have a hard time with; especially when it's something I'm passionate about and thoroughly enjoy.

ROLE - that's the word I'm keying in on right now personally, with everything going on in my life - or NOT going on:

•what are ALL of the roles I have
•what roles are MOST important to ME
•what roles are MOST important to GOD
•what roles are unnecessary and should be eliminated
•what role do I get the most enjoyment from
•what role am I most passionate about
•what role is my least favorite
•what role am I least dependable
•what role is MOST necessary for me personally
•what role is MOST necessary for those around me
•what role(s) do I not have that I should be desiring
•what new role(s) is God wanting me to take on for my church
•what role(s) am I clinging to that is selfish

Hmmm - some things to think about, huh? Maybe this won't be too lazy of a Labor Day weekend after all.
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