Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our "Little Birdie" Turns 8

I'm watching Andrew play on the Wii... can he really be eight??? Our "Little Birdie" isn't so little anymore...

I'm amazed that God blessed me with a son such as Andrew... He's as close to perfect as you can get. We knew immediately upon his birth that we had something special... Although, being our first, it was a rather interesting 12-hour journey to his birth.

Laurie had gone to bed but I was still wide awake (that isn't out of the ordinary, we're still that way). I was watching TV and playing games on the computer... I just couldn't get tired and go to bed. Laurie is usually a pretty sound sleeper and once she goes to bed she's usually out. But, I remember hearing her stir a lot and get up a few times. I think she even came downstairs a couple of times. I just felt soemthing stirring in me and I couldn't settle down. But, by 3 in the morning I finally decided I should go upstairs.

However, I was only in bed for 15-minutes when Laurie roused up and said... "My water broke! No, I'm peeing. No, my water broke!" "Are you sure???" I jumped up and started getting things ready...

We hit the emergency room by 3:30... up to a room by 3:45. Then... we waited. Honestly... I thought it would move along more quickly than what it did. But, things moved very slowly. Finally about 7:30 the contractions started... then by 10:30, she was asking for an epidural. This is where all our plans for the birth went out the window. The WHOLE nine months Laurie had planned on doing the birth naturally... i.e. no epidural. Just a couple of days before we headed into the hospital I suggested to Laurie to keep an open mind about having an epidural. :') I guess she listened to me.

So after the epidural... we both slept for a couple of hours. Then... the contractions began getting getting stronger... and stronger... and stronger... I'm not sure who was more thankful that Laurie kept an "open mind" about the epidural.

Dr. Jacob kept a close eye on Laurie and about 2:30 he finally thought she should start pushing. So... Laurie pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and pushed. Dr. Jacob was in and out a couple of times talking with nurses. He came in one last time, leaned over the end of the bed smiling at Laurie and said, "I'll give you five more minutes." Of course, he already knew that baby wasn't coming out... he had already asked the nurses to prep the surgical delivery room for a c-section.

The five-minutes came and went and they wheeled her into the surgical room... I got dressed in my surgical clothes and headed in. By about 3:15, we had a beautiful baby boy.

The eight years have gone by so quickly... and my "Little Birdie" will soon be an eagle. Andrew is an amazing son and I feel so blessed each and every day by having him. He's very loving, has a servant's heart, enjoys giving more than receiving, is extremely sensitive, and is well ahead of his years in understanding God's plan. I am so excited to see where God will be taking Andrew over the next few years.

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