Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Wii - CHECK :)

Since last Christmas Laurie and I have been searching for a Wii for the kids. First it was going to be for Christmas (nope) - then for Easter (nope) - then for end of school year reward (nope).

I had assumed we were probably looking at Christmas, but while Laurie was in Toys 'R Us a couple of weeks ago they had just gotten in several. So, after sending me a quick text message while I was in Austin, she quickly purchased it (trying to keep it hidden from the kids - although, Laurie is pretty certain Andrew saw it come up on the digital display at the register).

So... Today I went out to get the rest of the gift - Wii Play package with remote, another nunchuk and two games: Star Wars, the Complete Saga (surprise surprise) and Hannah Montana, Spotlight World Tour. The console comes with Wii Sports, so with what we have we'll be busy for awhile.

Now if you know Laurie and I, we don't go crazy with presents for the kid's birthdays - spending about $500 on their birthdays is a lot for us. But - they're MORE than worth it. And, this is our FIRST game console - some of our friends have an XBox, PS2, PS3, Wii and a Nintendo DS for each person in the house... I think we'll stick with just the Wii :-)

And, it's really more of a family purchase - I have a feeling Laurie and I will be using it quite often after the kids go to bed :-)

I still remember the Christmas when I was young that our family received a Pong and then a couple years later an Atari - I thought my mom/dad were the coolest parents in the world!! As I think back, though, my mom played with that Atari more than the rest of us (Pac Man). She was unbeatable.

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