Friday, June 19, 2009

Laurie/Morocco Update #1

Kids and I dropped Laurie off at O'Hare with no problems - we stayed for awhile, but once they went thru security there's not a lot to do, so we headed out. (Can't even get anything to eat or drink anywhere without a ticket).

They ran into a slight delay while checking luggage and getting boarding passes - one of the girls was not listed on the airline's (Iberian Airlines) records. The group leader (Bill) had her info though, so when they called the airlines main offices they showed record of her flying that matched the group leader's info - so they created a ticket for her. They're not sure why her name wasn't showing up on their computers at check-in, but all ended well. Laurie, the kids and I did great saying good-bye :-)

We're sitting at the O'Hare Oasis having a quick bite from McD's (kids choice) before heading on home. Looks like rain in Bloomington... Hopefully our empty pool will still be in our yard... I emptied it last night to clean it out.

As excited as I am for Laurie to be going on this trip to Morocco, it was a strange feeling leaving the airport without her knowing I won't see her for 12-days. There's going to be a lot of neat experiences over the next two weeks that will possibly change her life, her outlook, her opinions, her views, her values, her goals. I'm excited for her because I look back at my trip to the Amazon three years ago and remember what I experienced. We've both been on missions trips before, so we know the great and awesome things that can happen... For others and for yourself.

Our prayers will be with her constantly over the next 12-days and I'm excitedly looking forward to her return and to hear her "Laurie stories."

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