Friday, January 07, 2011

How State Income Taxes Compare

I did a quick search on state income taxes and found this table comparing all of the states (as of 1/1/2010).

Personally... and I know many of my friends will disagree with me... I don't have a problem with the state of Illinois raising our income tax rate, considering the complete economic disaster that we're in. Is our absurd deficit "our" fault? Is it our elected officials fault? Right now I don't care WHOSE fault it is. I'm tired of fingers being pointed. Let's just figure out HOW to get our state's financial situation back on track. And, as much as I hate to say it... a tax increase almost has to be a part of the correction. How much of a tax increase... Who knows... I'll let the "professionals" figure that out.

Again, this is my own personal thoughts.

Can/should there be some spending cuts, also? Of course... but you can't tell me that cutting a few salaries and some other wasted spending is going to get our state back in the black. And don't tell me that all state employees are over payed... Because I know plenty that are NOT... My wife being one and many other Illinois State University faculty and staff.

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